Winter 2024

Visiting Riccione for work?

For those who are visiting Riccione for work purposes, we can offer convenient, tailor-made formulas to meet all the requirements of company employees and managers, with special daily, weekly, or monthly rental rates from September to May. So, even when you are away, you can benefit from the privacy and freedom from restrictions you enjoy in your own home.

If work is taking up most of your day, and you have very little to yourself, allow yourself to be pampered by the staff of the Maestrale Suite Hotel, who will provide you with daily cleaning, restaurant, bar, reception and porter’s lodge services. After long hours at work, you can also enjoy yourself in the evening…

Our staff will ensure you have a magical time dining right by the sea on our private beach, Le Palme Beach 88/89, or next to the pool at our I Girasoli Country Club, or again, at our super-trendy wine bar, the Gustavino!